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Tuesday, November 15, 2005


You know the Monday night football theme song "Are you ready for some footballlllll?!?" Simply put, no. I am not ready for some football. Sure, there are times when I enjoy laying on the couch and dozing off while my husband intently watches the game. I mean, I AM American aren't I?

But here's the deal. The Monday night games?...yeah, not so much. The thing is, Monday is the work week. A whole different mode. I'm tired, and I have a whole week ahead of me until the next weekend. Monday night is not conducive to getting yourself all worked up over a game of any kind, let alone football. On Monday, you can't be bothered with the inconsequence of some sporting event...there are marketing reports to present, motions to write and argue, the work week is shaping up stressful people. Mondays are not for fun and games.

Now Sunday...? Sunday lends itself to a lazy afternoon in front of the TV with friends and beers and some type of wing/nacho/pizza combination. You're relaxed on Sunday. Nothing pressing to do, no where to be. Just a bunch of friends rooting for their favorite team, enjoying sport and eachother's company on a lovely relaxing afternoon.

But getting back to Monday. The whole Monday Night Game is an example of poor planning. I mean, the game goes past midnight for the love of everything holy. And so in homes all over the east coast happy couples are having the following encounter:

me: (sleeping quietly) ZZZZZZZZZ....ZZZZZ....ZZZZZZ

him: (watching the game on low volume so as not to wake his beautiful new wife who has to get to work early tomorrow).....

me: zzzzzzz...zzzz....zzzzzzz

The Philadelphia Eagles: Doing something in the last 2 minutes to blow some type of lead. (I'm a little hazy on this since I was, you know...SLEEPING!)

him: (yelling) WHAT THE...? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? SON OF A B...!

me: (shooting straight out of bed, startled)...Who? What? What? Are you ok?


Then, when my heart stops beating furiously from being woken from a sound sleep by yelling, I can't get back to sleep until well past 2 am.

NOTE TO NFL Executives: For the good of all newlyweds, let's stick to Sundays boys...ok?


Blogger Emily said...

So funny! It never occured to me that you guys get the game three hours later. Major bummer. Your complaint is quite justified, but I'm not sure moving it to Sunday is a good solution because you'd still be tired Monday morning -- and who wants to start their week like that?

Hmmmm... unless, of course, the game starts at 3:00 EST and finishes up around 6 or 7. Just in time for dinner and Desperate Housewives.

Yes. I think that works well.

Though this genius plan misses the whole point of MONDAY night football -- and that, my dear, is ratings. Take it up with the money-grubbing capitalists.

11:55 AM  
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