So I love Pottery Barn. Who Doesn't? But $700 for a crib? Come on people. That house in New Jersey didn't come with a money tree in the back yard. So my cheapness and intelligence teamed up to come up with a solution. And that solution is called Craig's List.
I got a crib:
Retails for $700 at Pottery Barn (plus shipping and handling)
Retailed on Craig's List for $250 (my husband didn't charge me for shipping and handling).
I also got a Changing Table: Which came with 4 of the Pottery Barn Sabrina Baskets and 8 Liners for those baskets.
Retails at Pottery Barn for $250 (changing table); $128 (baskets); and $80 Liners
Retailed on Craig's List for $200 total (plus, again, I got the husband discount on shipping)
This retails at Pottery Barn for $600
Retails on Craig's List for $300 (did I mention that it was BRAND NEW IN THE BOX AND NEVER USED?) I was so excited I almost carried this home myself! But that free shipping from my husband made that unnecessary.
And Finally, a Bassinett (Mine is with Green trim)(do you sense the green theme?) Also, this was unused! BRAND NEW...I am getting sweaty just thinking about it!:
Retails for $350 at Pottery Barn
Retails on Craig's List for $100
Prior to the nursery purchases (each separate finds), I have never used Craig's List before. Where have I been? I'll tell you where I have been...going broke in Pottery Barn, that's where. I can't be stopped now! I will conquer the world through Craig's List!
Well until my husband puts his foot down. Which he did last night when we picked up the crib and the woman told us she still had all the Pottery Barn bedding and just as my eyes lit up and I was about to yell "HELL YES!" my rational husband politely declined and then said to me:
"I draw the line at sheets. We are getting the baby NEW SHEETS"
Fine. Whatever. Be that way. Besides, I can afford nice sheets what with all the money I saved on Craig's List.